
As a modern and dynamically developing company, we prefer to select highly qualified personnel to achieve our goals. Applicants are selected on the basis of professionalism, business and personal qualities, education, and are recruited after appropriate survey and evaluation. In order to increase the efficiency of work with staff, a comprehensive study of their ability to work, additional interns are hired and trained to replace leading and managerial positions. As a result of the worthy performance of service activities and the measurement of professionalism, employees have been provided with appropriate conditions for career advancement.

Our attitude towards our employees and partners is maintained at the highest level

That is why we are called the Akkord family


Geodeziya mühəndisi


Texniki ofis mühəndisi

Laboratoriya müdiri

Material mühəndisi

Layihə rəhbəri

Texniki ofis müdiri

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Computer knowledges

Foreign language skills

Participated in trainings, seminars, conferences and trainings

Work experience

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